Frequently Asked Questions

With what languages does Mais Idiomas work with?

Mais Idiomas works with every language, but our ability to respond differs depending on the language.
Usually we work with English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese.

Does Mais Idiomas only provide business training?

No At Mais Idiomas you can find training in a business and individual context.

Where can I send a request for a proposal?

In the Training page on our website (where you can learn more about how we work), we provide a form which can be used to send a contact request.

I want to do a group course? Is that possible?

Yes. Tell us what language you would like to learn and we will reach out to you when we have enough trainees to create a group.
If you would like to start the course as soon as possible, you can invite a group of friends and study a language with people you know and trust.

Does Mais Idiomas provide the equipment necessary for interpreting services?

Mais Idiomas provides this equipment under reservation (for this purpose, the interpretation request must be submitted as far in advance as possible). This service is not included in the budget for the interpretation itself.

I am not a student. Can I join the courses in partnership with the Students' Unions/Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Yes! The courses in partnership with the Students’ Unions/Universidade Católica Portuguesa are based on the general learning of the target language. Anyone that is 18 years old or older can enroll and join these partnerships!

The Language Skills Certificates are valid to which institutions?

Mais Idiomas is certified by DGERT.
Before you turn to our services, please make sure next to the institution which certificates it considers valid.

Can I get a certificate to obtain a specific level?

Our Language Skills Certificates validate the general level in a language, not a specific level.

How can I get ready for the test?

Mais Idiomas does not provide preparation examples to obtain a Language Skills Certificate. Therefore, the trainee can study autonomously, or join an individual course in their target language with us.

Do you help with the enrollment in the Cambridge/Goethe/Cervantes Exams?

Yes, we can help you apply for these exams if you are enrolled in a preparation course with us. Mais Idiomas takes care of the process from beginning to end.

How do the levels work?

Mais Idiomas follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Find out more about this standard here.

I'm a Mais Idiomas trainee, do I need to purchase any materials?

No As a Mais Idiomas trainee, you don’t need to worry about this. All the material will be available on our platform.

Do I need to submit the original document for translation?

Not necessarily. We can translate through a copy of the document that you can send to us via email, but if you wish to certificate a translation of the original document, you can submit it to us in person.

In which format can I deliver the document?

At Mais Idiomas, no format stops us from carrying out the translation. Preferably, you can send us your document in editable format or PDF.

I only have the document in paper. How can I submit it?

In case you only have the document in paper, you can scan it and send it to us via email, or you can submit it to us in person.

Are the translators native?

Mais Idiomas works exclusively with native translators, ensuring the quality and precision of every translation.

I'm not from Porto and I need an interpretation. Can Mais Idiomas provide this service?

Of course. However, the sooner you submit your request, the more likely we will be able to find the right interpreter for you!

Does the Certificate expire?

Our Language Skills Certificate, as every other languages certificate, is valid for two years.

When can I schedule a test?

You can schedule a test with at least 48 hours in advance. Payment needs to be made with at least 24 hours in advance.

When do I receive the Certificate?

Your Certificate will be sent to you within a maximum of 24 hours after taking the test.

Can the Certificate be issued in English?

Yes. However, this needs to be requested as early as possible. Otherwise, the translation will be charged.

Do you send Certificates through the mail?

Mais Idiomas only issues Certificates digitally. If, however, you need your Certificate to be sent by paper, you can pick it up in our facility.

I'm an individual trainee in Mais Idiomas, how can I reschedule a class?

In case you need to miss a class, it’s important to notify the trainer with at last 24 hours before the class. Otherwise, the class will be charged.